Consciously, or perhaps without thinking about it, chances are good you browse the web on your Smartphone on a daily basis. Every so often, you come across a website that is not optimized for your mobile platform, and you find it difficult to maneuver the site, read the small text, and constantly zoom in and out. For those reasons, you might spend less time on the website than you first planned.
You might be one of the smart business owners who have already made sure that your website also works on a Smartphone, but in case you are not, it is time you strongly consider making the necessary changes.
Not only do people browse the web on their phones more than ever, but the mobile game has also changed from simply measuring whether or not you have mobile traffic, to actually measuring how your mobile traffic is behaving. In terms of measuring mobile traffic, Google Analytics is ahead of the curve, and offers an easy way to look at the important behaviors of your mobile viewers.
Understanding your mobile situation is becoming increasingly important, which is why we are helping our clients stay ahead of the mobile curve by making the necessary changes and keeping them informed. To help you understand the importance of having a mobile site, here are three pointers about the significant mobile effects on your website.
- If you have 25% or more mobile traffic, you should have your site built out for Smartphones
- Watch your iPad traffic. In many cases, it is the second most used mobile device. The presentation is different on a tablet, so a move to an iPad site is a quality move.
- If you have 30% or more mobile traffic, you should be using a separate tracking number on mobile sites. This is a small, inexpensive investment that can lead to major revelations. Tracking numbers is often an eye-opener.
Do you have a mobile site or do you have plans to get one? We would love to know, so share your thoughts in the comments section below!